Which Days Gone Character Are You?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 8/4/2024



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Ever wondered who you'd be in the rugged, post-apocalyptic world of Days Gone? Take this quiz to find out which character from the game matches your survival instincts, decision-making, and personality traits!

Ever wondered who you'd be in the rugged, post-apocalyptic world of Days Gone? Take this quiz to find out which character from the game matches your survival instincts, decision-making, and personality traits!

1. You're leading a group through dangerous territory and notice a horde of Freakers nearby. How do you proceed?

Send a scout to find an alternative route before progressing.
Distract the horde with a diversion and quickly lead your group to safety.
Charge through with your weapons ready, trusting your combat skills.
Find a safe spot to hide and wait for the horde to pass.

2. You stumble upon a survivor in need of medical attention, but resources are scarce. What do you do?

Use your medical supplies to help them, figuring you can always find more later.
Attempt to find a nearby camp for more resources first, then assist the survivor.
Leave them to their fate, ensuring your group's survival first.
Help them as best as you can without depleting your resources.

3. Your camp's leader asks you to undertake a dangerous mission. How do you respond?

Negotiate for better resources or protection before agreeing.
Weigh the risks carefully and suggest an alternative if the danger is too high.
Politely decline, focusing on safer, vital tasks at hand.
Agree without hesitation; the mission's success is crucial for everyone's survival.

4. How do you prefer to handle conflicts with hostile human factions?

Use strategic planning to launch a decisive attack.
Negotiate for a peaceful resolution whenever possible.
Engage in a head-on confrontation to assert dominance and control.
Avoid conflict by carefully circumventing their territory.

5. Resources are running low and your group's morale is dropping. What do you do to keep everyone motivated?

Implement strict rules to ensure resources are used efficiently.
Share encouraging stories and remind them of the progress you've made.
Hold a meeting to discuss concerns and brainstorm solutions together.
Organize a mission to gather supplies, leading by example.

6. A nearby camp radioes for help against a Freaker horde. What is your response?

Formulate a strategic plan before responding.
Radio back with advice and encourage them to hold out until help arrives.
Assess your own camp's security and resources first.
Immediately gather a team and go to their aid.

7. While exploring, you find an abandoned motorcycle in good condition. What do you do?

Disassemble it for parts to improve your current bike or camp.
Keep it as a backup for your own use or group members.
Leave it as it is, suspecting it could be a trap.
Sell it to another camp for supplies.

8. You observe suspicious activity within your camp. How do you handle it?

Report the activity to your camp leader or trusted ally.
Confront the individuals directly and demand an explanation.
Keep a close watch and gather more information before taking any action.
Set a trap to catch them in the act and expose their intentions.

9. You have to spend the night surrounded by Freakers. What is your survival approach?

Set up a hidden, secure camp with minimal noise and light.
Keep moving quietly to avoid detection.
Fortify your position with traps and prepare for potential combat.
Climb a tree or find a high vantage point to keep watch through the night.

10. A scarce supply of food has been stolen. How do you address the theft?

Implement stricter security measures to prevent future thefts.
Hold a camp meeting to discuss the issue and reinforce trust and unity.
Introduce penalties for theft to deter others from doing the same.
Investigate thoroughly to find the culprit and recover the food.

11. Your camp’s healer has fallen ill, and a replacement is needed. How do you handle this crucial gap?

Fill in their role to the best of your ability while searching for a new healer.
Delegate the responsibility to a trusted member until the healer recovers.
Focus on maintaining the healer’s health with all available resources.
Ask for volunteers and provide them with basic medical training.

12. You find an isolated research lab containing valuable information about the Freakers. What do you do with the discovery?

Take what you can carry and continue your journey.
Burn the lab down to prevent the information from falling into the wrong hands.
Study the information thoroughly and share the findings with your group.
Secure the lab against potential threats and revisit it later.