Which Pro Snowboarder Are You?


Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/19/2024



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Find out which professional snowboarder you align with based on your riding style, favorite tricks, and snowboarding philosophies.

Find out which professional snowboarder you align with based on your riding style, favorite tricks, and snowboarding philosophies.

1. What's your preferred snowboarding terrain?

Boardercross courses
Resort groomers

2. Which kind of tricks do you enjoy doing most?

Rail slides and grinds
Technical flips and spins
Speed and big air
Stylish grabs and spins

3. How do you perceive competing in snowboarding?

I prefer to ride for myself and not worry about competitions
I live for the thrill of competition
I enjoy competitions but they're not my main focus
I'm all about having fun, not winning medals

4. Which snowboarding event do you follow closely?

Natural Selection
X Games
Burton US Open
Dew Tour

5. Which kind of apparel style suits you most?

Simple and functional
Bright and vibrant
Retro dad-core
Technical and sleek

6. Who is your biggest snowboarding inspiration?

Jeremy Jones
Terje HÃ¥konsen
Jake Carpenter Burton
Scott Stevens

7. What's your take on social media as a professional snowboarder?

It's a great way to connect with fans and share my journey
I think it's both helpful and harmful
I use it occasionally but prefer real-life interactions
I'm not a big fan of social media

8. Which snowboard brand do you prefer?

Lib Tech

9. Which philosophy best matches your riding style?

Push the boundaries with every ride
Ride aggressively and with precision
Perfect a few tricks really well
Balance fun and innovation

10. How do you feel about working on your style?

Style is not the most important factor
You can learn and improve your style
Style comes from experience and great mentors
Style is something you have naturally

11. What's your attitude towards snowboarding progression?

Find a few things you love and do them well
Focus on speed and precise movements
Balance progression with fun
Progression is essential, always push your limits

12. What kind of snowboard media do you consume most?

Retro snowboarding videos
Competitive event broadcasts
Rider vlogs and social media
Snowboarding films and documentaries

13. How do you handle obstacles on the slope?

I find creative ways to navigate them
I focus on technical precision
I integrate them into my smooth flow
I love the challenge and take them head-on