How Well Do You Know Low Level Programming?


Created 6/18/2024



Q & A

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Test your knowledge of low level programming with this quiz and see how many correct answers you can get out of 5.

Test your knowledge of low level programming with this quiz and see how many correct answers you can get out of 5.

1. What is the primary purpose of an assembler in low-level programming?

To convert high-level code into bytecode
To optimize high-level code
To convert assembly language into machine code
To interpret machine code at runtime

2. Which of the following is a characteristic of low-level programming languages?

They are platform-independent
They provide direct access to hardware components
They use garbage collection for memory management
They abstract away hardware details

3. What is a register in the context of low-level programming?

A high-level construct for variable storage
A small, fast storage location within the CPU
A network protocol for data transmission
An array stored in RAM

4. Which instruction set is commonly associated with low-level programming on Intel processors?


5. In assembly language, what does the instruction "MOV AX, BX" do?

Moves the data from register AX to register BX
Moves the data from register BX to register AX
Adds the contents of AX and BX
Compares the values in AX and BX