What Does Your Train Preference Say About You?

Gensen Huang
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Gensen Huang

Created 6/20/2024



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Find out what your train preferences say about your personality and preferences.

Find out what your train preferences say about your personality and preferences.

1. Which type of train do you find most fascinating?

Electric Train
Freight Train
High-Speed Train

2. If you could travel anywhere by train, which route would you choose?

Inter-City Train across Europe
Long-Distance Train through the US
High-Speed Train in Japan
Luxury Train through the Scottish Highlands

3. How important is speed in your ideal train journey?

Very important, I want to get there fast
Moderately important, a nice balance
Not very important, comfort is key
Speed doesn't matter at all, the journey is what counts

4. When choosing a train for commuting, what is your top priority?


5. Which type of freight train would you prefer?

Standard Freight Train
Military Train
Mine Train
Piggyback Train

6. How do you feel about traveling on a maglev train?

Excited, it's so futuristic
Curious, I'd like to try it
Indifferent, it's just another train
Uncomfortable, seems too high-tech

7. What level of luxury do you prefer on a train?

Basic, I just need to get from point A to point B
Balanced, comfort and cost are both important
High, I enjoy my comforts
Extreme, nothing but the most luxurious options

8. How do you feel about automated people movers in urban areas?

Very convenient, they are quick and efficient
Useful, but I prefer traditional trains
Not a fan, I like more personal space
Indifferent, it's just part of city life

9. If you could own a personal train, what would it be used for?

Traveling in style
Hosting private events
Business purposes
Living while traveling long distances

10. Which scenic train route would you most want to experience?

Pride of Africa from Pretoria to Cape Town
The Ghan through the heart of Australia
Belmond Royal Scotsman through the Scottish Highlands
Venice Simplon-Orient-Express from Paris to Venice