Find Your Perfect LEMMiNO Song Match!

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 8/22/2024



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Discover the LEMMiNO song that perfectly matches your current mood and music preferences. Answer a few questions to receive a personalized song recommendation.

Discover the LEMMiNO song that perfectly matches your current mood and music preferences. Answer a few questions to receive a personalized song recommendation.

1. How would you describe your current emotional state?

Optimistic and energized
Curious and adventurous
Contemplative and introspective
Tranquil and peaceful

2. Which music genre do you most gravitate towards?

Rock or indie
Electronic and upbeat
Ambient and instrumental
Classical or world music

3. What theme resonates most with you right now?

Mystery and wonder
Adventure and exploration
Reflection and nostalgia
Joy and happiness

4. In which environment do you prefer to listen to music?

While relaxing at home
During an outdoor adventure
Late at night for contemplation
In the background while working

5. How do you want your music to make you feel?

Curious and exploratory
Happy and motivated
Calm and focused
Deeply reflective

6. How do you connect with the rhythm in a song?

Fast and energetic
Unconventional and quirky
Slow and soothing
Stable and grounding

7. Which musical element do you find most captivating?


8. What level of complexity do you prefer in your music?

Simple and minimalist
Complex and intricate
Variety in complexity
Balanced complexity

9. Which instrument do you feel most connected to?


10. What musical era do you often revisit?

Retro or vintage
Classical or Baroque
20th Century

11. What setting do you prefer music to transport you to?

A bustling city
An ancient castle or meadow
A quiet forest or ocean
A cozy living room

12. What narrative in music tends to captivate you the most?

Adventure and discovery
Love and happiness
Personal growth and introspection
Timeless wonder and mystery