Which Star Trek Character Are You?


Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/24/2024



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Ever wondered which Star Trek character you would be if you found yourself aboard the USS Enterprise? Take this quiz to find out!

Ever wondered which Star Trek character you would be if you found yourself aboard the USS Enterprise? Take this quiz to find out!

1. You need to choose a strategy to deal with an aggressive alien species. What do you do?

Attempt to negotiate and find a peaceful solution.
Analyze their behavior and find a logical way to counteract.
Prepare for battle while continuing diplomatic efforts.
Launch a pre-emptive strike to ensure our safety.

2. A cure for a deadly disease is discovered, but testing will endanger your team. What do you prioritize?

Prioritize the immediate safety of your team over finding a cure.
Administer the cure to those who have the least to lose.
Continue research to find a safer method.
Find volunteers from the team who are willing to take the risk.

3. What's your leadership style during a crisis?

Lead with a firm hand and make quick decisions.
Remain calm and analyze the situation logically.
Consult your team and consider everyone’s input.
Ensure the safety and well-being of your team first.

4. How do you approach learning something new?

Research extensively before attempting.
Combine theory with practice over time.
Seek out experts to guide you.
Jump in and learn by doing.

5. You’re at a social gathering on the ship. What do you do?

Host an engaging activity or performance.
Find a quiet corner and observe.
Stay close to your friends and enjoy their company.
Mingle with everyone and make new connections.

6. How do you handle interpersonal conflict within your team?

Explain the logical solution to the problem.
Listen and offer empathetic support.
Mediate and help find common ground.
Address it directly and swiftly.

7. What is your approach to problem-solving?

Analyze all the data and take the most logical approach.
Use practical and hands-on methods.
Consider the ethical implications first.
Think outside the box and find innovative solutions.

8. How do you respond to unexpected changes in a mission?

Take bold action to regain control.
Adapt quickly and think on your feet.
Proceed with caution and gather more information.
Remain calm and reassess the situation.

9. What drives your decisions in high-stakes situations?

Logical reasoning and evidence-based conclusions.
Compassion and a desire to help others.
A strong sense of duty and responsibility to the crew.
Strategic thinking and careful planning.

10. You encounter a new unknown species. How do you proceed?

Prepare for potential conflict just in case.
Eagerly engage and learn about them.
Study them from a distance before making contact.
Approach with caution and ensure safety measures are in place.

11. How do you balance work and personal life?

Fully dedicated to work and responsibilities.
Engage in social activities to unwind.
Maintain a healthy balance between both.
Prioritize personal fulfillment even if work gets affected.

12. Your ideal way to spend free time is to:

Engage in physical exercise or combat training.
Socialize with friends and crew members.
Read and expand your knowledge.
Work on a hands-on project or hobby.

13. A friend makes a critical mistake during a mission. How do you handle it?

Correct it immediately and maintain discipline.
Provide constructive feedback and help them improve.
Assess the mistake logically and propose a solution.
Understand the situation and offer emotional support.