Which Trail Running Legend Are You?


Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/24/2024



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Have you ever wondered which trail running legend you most resemble? Take this quiz to discover which iconic trail runner matches your preferences, running style, and favorite terrains!

Have you ever wondered which trail running legend you most resemble? Take this quiz to discover which iconic trail runner matches your preferences, running style, and favorite terrains!

1. What type of terrain do you prefer to run on?

Mountainous high-altitude trails
Smooth and rolling terrains
Rocky and technical trails
Varied terrains including sand and meadows

2. What is your approach to training?

High intensity with technical drills
Minimalist training with focus on joy of running
Long slow distance training
Mixed training with variety

3. What type of gear do you prefer during your runs?

Balanced approach, essential gear only
Fully equipped for any situation
High-tech gadgets and gear
Minimalist gear; less is more

4. How do you fuel during long runs?

Sports drinks and energy gels
Minimal food; listen to my body
Whole food-based nutrition
A balanced mix of both whole foods and supplements

5. What inspires you to run?

Exploring new trails and enjoying nature
Competing in and conquering ultra-distances
Balancing mental and physical well-being
Pushing my physical limits and breaking records

6. What mental strategies do you use during a race?

Mindfulness and staying present
Enjoying the journey and nature
Visualization and mental rehearsals
Persistent self-motivation and grit

7. How do you typically pace yourself during a race?

Slow start with a strong finish
Steady and consistent pacing
Adapt and adjust based on surroundings
Fast start, maintain steady pace

8. How do you approach downhill sections?

Charge down with aggressive speed
Manageable speed with controlled movements
Let gravity aid and enjoy the run
Carefully monitor steps and foot placement

9. What motivational figure do you admire most in trail running?

Courtney Dauwalter for her endurance
Kilian Jornet for his high-altitude feats
Sage Canaday for his analytical approach
Anton Krupicka for his minimalist style

10. Which race would you most like to participate in?

Western States 100 Mile Endurance Run
Madeira Island Ultra Trail
Copper Canyon Ultramarathon
Ultra-Trail du Mont Blanc (UTMB)

11. How do you integrate recovery into your routine?

Dedicated rest days and non-activity
Active recovery with light runs or hikes
Yoga and stretching exercises
Structured recovery workouts

12. What's your primary goal in trail running?

Exploring and enjoying nature
Competing in endurance races
Winning and setting records
Achieving personal growth and balance

13. How do you handle challenging weather conditions during a race?

Adapt my gear and strategy accordingly
Mentally prepare and stay focused
Focus on maintaining pace and rhythm
Embrace and enjoy the elements