What's Your Perfect Future Jam?


Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 8/5/2024



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Future has a song for every mood and moment. Answer these questions to find out which Future track matches your current vibe.

Future has a song for every mood and moment. Answer these questions to find out which Future track matches your current vibe.

1. How are you feeling right now?

A bit down and reflective.
Relaxed and laid-back.
Energized and ready to take on the world!
Happy and uplifted!

2. What are you planning to do while listening to music?

Relaxing or unwinding.
Driving, especially at night.
Getting ready for an event.
Working out or doing something active.

3. How would you describe your current vibe?

High-energy and fast-paced.
Romantic and affectionate.
Reflective and introspective.
Chilled out and easy-going.

4. What's your typical activity on a Saturday night?

Chilling at home.
Working out or something active.
Going on a night drive.
Partying with friends.

5. How do you feel about the weather today?

It's alright, just having a normal day.
It's gloomy and rainy, making me feel reflective.
Doesn't matter, I'm feeling energetic and lively.
It's beautiful and sunny, putting me in a great mood.

6. What do you look for in music lyrics?

Fun and party themes.
Powerful and motivational words.
Heartfelt and emotional content.
Chill and relaxing vibes.

7. What's your preferred type of beat?

Smooth and mellow beats.
Emotional and deep.
Catchy and upbeat.
Fast-paced and high-energy.

8. When do you usually listen to music?

During workouts.
While relaxing at home.
When driving, especially at night.
When getting ready to go out.

9. What kind of weekend plans do you prefer?

Outdoor activities or adventures.
Staying in and enjoying some 'me' time.
Relaxing and unwinding.
Partying and socializing.

10. How do you usually cope with stress?

Chilling out with relaxing tracks.
Fun and upbeat music to change the mood.
Listening to powerful and motivating music.
Reflective and emotional songs.

11. What's your take on romantic music?

Depends on my mood.
Love it! I'm all for romance.
Not really my thing, prefer others.
I lean towards fun and upbeat themes.

12. Which of these situations fits your current state the most?

Feeling like turning up and letting loose.
Having a low-key, chill day.
Feeling motivated and driven.
Stressed and need to cope.

13. Do you enjoy music with strong vocals or prefer instrumental?

Soft and subtle vocals.
Instrumental tracks.
Strong, powerful vocals.
Depends, I like a mix of both.