Which Celtic God or Goddess Are You?


Created 6/29/2024



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Discover which Celtic god or goddess embodies your unique qualities and traits with this fun and enlightening quiz!

Discover which Celtic god or goddess embodies your unique qualities and traits with this fun and enlightening quiz!

1. Which of the following appeals most to you?

Mastering multiple skills and talents.
Providing nurturing and care to those in need.
Embracing the mysteries and power of the winter season.
Guiding souls to the afterlife.

2. In times of conflict, what's your approach?

Using strategic thinking to gain the upper hand.
Seeking peaceful resolution and harmony.
Invoking the power of the elements.
Directing fate and destiny with unwavering determination.

3. What's your ideal environment?

A bustling forge where creativity sparks.
A lush forest teeming with wildlife.
A serene mountain top above the clouds.
Calm coastal waters dipping into the depths of the sea.

4. What quality do you admire most in others?

Versatility and cunning.
Compassion and nurturing.
Inner strength and resilience.
Devotion and loyalty.

5. Which symbol resonates with you the most?

A blazing sun at dawn.
A nurturing cauldron.
A wintery, snow-capped peak.
A shadowy figure in the night.

6. How do you inspire others?

Through skillful leadership and artistry.
By sharing wisdom and providing support.
By teaching the ways of nature and transformation.
Through ominous prophecies and foresight.

7. What's your perspective on love?

A dance of joy and renewal.
The foundation of life and growth.
A fleeting illusion in a harsh world.
An eternal connection beyond life and death.

8. What do you value most in life?

Mastery and accomplishments.
Family and community bonds.
Mysteries of nature and transformation.
Balance and the cycle of life and death.

9. How do you handle change?

Adapt and thrive with every new skill learned.
Embrace change as part of nurturing growth.
Wield change as a force of nature.
Accept change as an inevitable part of fate.

10. What's your role in the world?

To be a beacon of light and inspiration.
To be the source of life and care.
To be the keeper of natural cycles.
To be the guide through transitions of life and death.