Which Horror Movie Cliché Are You?


Created 6/26/2024



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Are you the final girl, the creepy killer, or the jump scare? Take this quiz to find out which horror movie cliché you embody!

Are you the final girl, the creepy killer, or the jump scare? Take this quiz to find out which horror movie cliché you embody!

1. You hear a strange noise in your house late at night. What do you do?

Investigate alone
Call out 'Who's there?'
Hide under your bed
Call the police

2. What would you most likely bring on a camping trip?

A flashlight
A first aid kit
A horror novel
Lots of snacks and drinks

3. Your friends suggest exploring an abandoned building. You...

Lead the way with enthusiasm
Reluctantly go along
Make sure everyone stays together
Absolutely refuse to go

4. How do you react to a scary story told around the campfire?

Laugh it off and claim it's not scary
Pretend to be scared for fun
Get genuinely freaked out
Try to debunk the story logically

5. What is your idea of a perfect Friday night?

Watching a horror movie marathon
Going on an adventurous night hike
Having a quiet night in with a good book
Partying with friends

6. You find a mysterious book in the attic. You...

Start reading it immediately
Put it back where you found it
Show it to your friends first
Burn it to avoid any potential curse

7. If you were in a haunted house, what role would you most likely play?

The one who tries to communicate with the spirits
The one who carefully observes and documents everything
The one who freaks out at every little noise
The one who keeps everyone together and safe

8. What is your reaction when someone suggests splitting up to explore?

Agree and take the lead in your own group
Suggest sticking together instead
Reluctantly go along with the plan
Flat out refuse to split up

9. You encounter a creepy stranger warning you about a curse. You...

Take them seriously and ask for more details
Ignore them and laugh it off
Be polite but don't believe them
Feel intrigued and want to know more

10. In a life-or-death situation, how do you react?

Take charge and come up with a plan
Panic but try to follow someone's lead
Use your skills to survive alone
Try to keep everyone calm and collected