Which Netflix Original Series Should You Binge-Watch Next?


Created 6/25/2024



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Not sure which Netflix Original Series to binge-watch next? Take this quiz and find out which series perfectly matches your preferences and mood!

Not sure which Netflix Original Series to binge-watch next? Take this quiz and find out which series perfectly matches your preferences and mood!

1. What type of setting do you prefer?

A small, peaceful town
A bustling city
Historical landscapes
Futuristic or supernatural worlds

2. What genre are you in the mood for?

Drama with strong emotional elements
Mystery and thriller
Fantasy and science fiction
Romantic and heartwarming

3. How do you feel about shows with a lot of seasons?

I prefer long series that I can watch for a while
A few seasons are perfect for me
I like miniseries or limited series
The number of seasons doesn't matter as long as the show is good

4. Which type of characters do you find most intriguing?

Strong, independent women
Complex anti-heroes
Innocent characters discovering the world
Groups of friends with diverse personalities

5. What type of plot do you enjoy the most?

Crime and heist plots
Supernatural and fantasy adventures
Heartfelt and emotional journeys
Historical or period dramas

6. Do you enjoy shows with dark and mature themes?

Yes, the darker the better
I prefer light-hearted and fun shows
I enjoy a mix of both light and dark themes
I'm open to anything as long as it's well-written

7. How important is high-quality production value to you?

Very important, I love cinematic shows
It's a nice bonus, but not necessary
I care more about the story and characters
I’m fine with anything as long as it’s entertaining

8. Which kind of story pacing do you prefer?

Slow-burning with lots of character development
Fast-paced and action-packed
A balance of both
Pacing doesn’t matter if the story is compelling

9. Do you like to watch shows based on books or real events?

Yes, I love adaptations
No, I prefer original content
I enjoy both equally
I'm open to anything interesting

10. Which of these elements do you find most appealing?

Intricate and clever plots
Exciting and unique world-building
Relatable and deeply emotional storylines
Strong social or political commentary