Which Critical Role Character Are You?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 8/22/2024



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Dive into the world of Critical Role and discover which beloved character matches your personality and style. Are you destined to be a fearless leader, a clever trickster, or a nurturing healer?

Dive into the world of Critical Role and discover which beloved character matches your personality and style. Are you destined to be a fearless leader, a clever trickster, or a nurturing healer?

1. You are tasked with rescuing hostages but discover a powerful artifact along the way. What do you prioritize?

Focus on the nearest threat and improvise.
Secure the artifact first, it could help in future conflicts.
Rescue the hostages first, their lives are more important.
Try to do both by strategically dividing your team.

2. In combat, your style can be best described as:

Supporting your allies with spells or healing.
Adapting on the fly, employing trickery or distraction.
Using strategy and distance, striking methodically.
Charging in with overwhelming strength.

3. Which magical ability would you prefer to master?

Healing and protective spells.
Elemental manipulation or transformation.
Illusions and enchantments.
Arcane blasting and teleportation.

4. How do you lead a group in a high-stress situation?

By creating consensus and valuing input from everyone.
With a focus on adaptive strategies as the situation changes.
With authoritative commands and clear directives.
By inspiring others through humor and charisma.

5. How would your friends describe your sense of humor?

Sarcastic and dry.
Genuine and light-hearted.
Whimsical and childlike.
Bawdy and outrageous.

6. When it comes to loyalty, how do you view your relationships?

I balance loyalty between my needs and the needs of others.
I act based on my personal interests first.
I am fiercely loyal to a chosen few.
My loyalty is to the group as a whole.

7. In unpredictable situations, how do you adapt?

Take decisive action, regardless of the uncertainty.
I rely on my intuition and improvise.
Analyze the situation and plan accordingly.
I wait to react after gauging group sentiment.

8. How do you prioritize strategy versus strength in battle?

Cunning strategies can always overcome brute force.
A blend of both, adapting as necessary.
I focus on the tactical use of my unique skills.
Strength and power usually dominate the battlefield.

9. Who would you choose to accompany you on a dangerous quest?

A wise sage with deep knowledge.
A strong protector who can guard the group.
An empathetic healer to keep everyone safe.
A versatile companion good in a pinch.

10. How do you respond to internal group conflicts?

Step back and let things cool naturally.
Attempt to mediate and resolve peacefully.
Use humor or distraction to defuse tension.
Confront the issue directly to nip it in the bud.

11. How do you pursue goals that involve moral ambiguity?

Avoid if it risks compromising my values.
Dive in, morality is subjective.
Pursue only if the ends justify the means.
Strategically weigh pros and cons.

12. Which of these best describes your ultimate aim on an adventure?

To achieve personal glory and strength.
To experience new things and have fun.
To protect my companions and the innocent.
To uncover hidden truths and gain wisdom.