Which Guild Wars 2 Race Are You?


Created 6/29/2024



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Find out which Guild Wars 2 race suits your personality with this insightful quiz! Discover your true identity in the fantastical world of Tyria.

Find out which Guild Wars 2 race suits your personality with this insightful quiz! Discover your true identity in the fantastical world of Tyria.

1. What do you value most in an ally?

Knowledge and intelligence
Bravery and size
Cunning and fierceness
Connection to nature and mystery

2. Which environment do you feel most at home in?

High-tech laboratories filled with gadgets
Snow-covered mountains and vast meadows
Smoky industrial forges and war camps
Mystical forests brimming with magic

3. What is your preferred playstyle in combat?

Using sophisticated technology and clever tactics
Charging headfirst into battle with brute strength
Surprising enemies with stealth and trickery
Harnessing the mystical forces of nature

4. How important is character lore to you?

Extremely important, I want rich backstory
Somewhat important, it enhances the game
Not very important, I focus on gameplay
A bit important, it adds flavor to my character

5. What size do you prefer for your character?

Small and nimble
Tall and imposing
Medium and flexible
Average, with unique features

6. Which type of weaponry do you gravitate towards?

Magical devices and staffs
Massive swords and axes
Dual daggers and pistols
Bows and elemental powers

7. Do you enjoy solving puzzles and using strategy in your gameplay?

Yes, I love a good mental challenge
No, I prefer straightforward combat
Sometimes, if it fits into my plan
Occasionally, but not often

8. What kind of aesthetic appeals to you the most?

Futuristic and innovative
Traditional and rugged
Ferocious and primal
Natural and mystical

9. How do you feel about the cultural attire of your character?

It should be unique and techno-magical
It should be grand and heroic
It should be battle-worn and practical
It should blend with nature and be enchanting

10. Which personal story theme resonates with you the most?

Overcoming intellectual challenges
Proving your bravery and strength
Unleashing your inner beast and cunning
Exploring your mystical origins