Which Doctor Who Character Are You?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/16/2024



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Are you the brave and curious Doctor, the loyal and resourceful companion, or the enigmatic Time Lord? Take this quiz to find out which iconic Doctor Who character you are!

Are you the brave and curious Doctor, the loyal and resourceful companion, or the enigmatic Time Lord? Take this quiz to find out which iconic Doctor Who character you are!

1. How do you handle conflicts?

I face conflicts head-on, even if it means being a bit confrontational.
I look for peaceful, diplomatic solutions.
I try to defuse conflicts with humor or cleverness.
I analyze the situation and approach it logically and tactically.

2. What motivates you to take action?

Curiosity and a love for adventure.
Personal principles and a strong sense of justice.
Compassion and empathy for others.
A deep sense of duty and responsibility.

3. How do you prefer to travel?

As long as I have good company, I don't mind the destination.
I prefer familiar places where I can plan and strategize.
Anywhere, the more unpredictable, the better.
To places where I can help others and make a difference.

4. Which of these describes your decision-making style?

I make decisions impulsively, often based on gut feelings.
I analyze all possible options before deciding.
I balance logic and intuition when making decisions.
I often follow my heart more than my head.

5. How do you treat your friends?

I treat them with affection and a sense of fun.
I appreciate their presence but maintain a sense of independence.
I value their opinions and often seek their advice.
I am fiercely loyal and protective of them.

6. Which of these quotes resonates with you the most?

“Do what I do. Hold tight and pretend it’s a plan!”
“In 900 years of time and space, I’ve never met anyone who wasn’t important.”
“There’s no point in being grown up if you can’t act a little childish sometimes.”
“Sometimes the only choices you have are bad ones, but you still have to choose.”

7. How do you typically spend your free time?

Reading or engaging in intellectual pursuits.
Engaging in adventurous activities and sports.
Exploring new places and meeting new people.
Spending time with friends and family.

8. What is your reaction to moral dilemmas?

I analyze the situation and choose the lesser evil.
I look for creative solutions to avoid harm.
I try to do what is fair and just.
I stick to my principles no matter the cost.

9. How do you handle sadness or regret?

I confront it directly and try to understand it.
I find solace in friends and loved ones.
I channel it into action and focus on the next task.
I focus on the positive and try to stay optimistic.

10. What's your stance on rules and authority?

I analyze the rules and make exceptions when justified.
I follow rules to maintain order and avoid chaos.
I often challenge authority and prefer to do things my own way.
I respect rules but will break them if necessary.

11. Which Doctor Who story arc is your favorite?

The Daleks' Master Plan (First Doctor).
Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways (Ninth Doctor).
Genesis of the Daleks (Fourth Doctor).
The Caves of Androzani (Fifth Doctor).

12. How do you handle unexpected challenges?

I get straight to finding solutions and improvising.
I embrace them with excitement and curiosity.
I remain calm and methodical, analyzing my options.
I rely on my friends and colleagues for support.