Which Elden Ring Character Are You?


Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 8/1/2024



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Dive into the world of Elden Ring and discover which character matches your personality, playstyle, and weapon choices. Each question will bring you closer to finding your in-game counterpart!

Dive into the world of Elden Ring and discover which character matches your personality, playstyle, and weapon choices. Each question will bring you closer to finding your in-game counterpart!

1. How do you prefer to engage enemies in battle?

Brute force with heavy weapons
A mix of stealth and opportunistic attacks
Precision strikes using dexterity weapons
Using sorcery or incantations from a distance

2. What type of armor do you typically favor?

Balanced armor that allows decent protection and mobility
Light armor that allows for quick movements
Robes or light clothing, focusing on magical resistances
Heavy armor for maximum protection

3. How do you approach decision-making in critical situations?

Rely on intuition and quick reflexes
Charge in without hesitation
Seek advice from trusted allies
Carefully analyze the situation and plan

4. Which describes your personality?

Strategic and calculated
Independent and analytical
Courageous and determined
Supportive and nurturing

5. How do you handle exploration in games?

Strategically explore with a goal in mind
Focus on reaching main objectives
Explore every nook and cranny
Balance exploration and combat

6. What’s your preferred type of weapon?

Dexterous weaponry like katanas or dual-wield blades
Medium weapons like longswords or rapiers
Massive, two-handed swords or axes
Magic staffs or wands

7. In a team, what role do you usually take?

The frontline warrior
The leader, making strategic decisions
The support, aiding and healing
The scout or spy, gathering information

8. How do you react to unexpected challenges?

Use it as an opportunity to improvise
Pause and plan a new strategy
Rely on tried and tested methods
Adapt quickly and keep pushing forward

9. How important is lore and story in your gameplay?

I enjoy both, but I don’t delve too deep
I focus mostly on the combat and gameplay
Important, but I also enjoy the combat
Crucial, I like to uncover every detail

10. What is your approach to dangerous situations?

Seek support and face them together
Face them head-on
Avoid them if possible, strike when ready
Use strategy and careful planning

11. How do you view failing or dying in a game?

A chance to reassess and improve
Part of learning and getting better
An opportunity to find humor and move on
It’s frustrating, I try to avoid it

12. Which of these settings do you enjoy most?

Majestic castles and grand architecture
Dark caverns and underground ruins
Mystical forests and enchanted glades
Open fields and barren landscapes

13. How do you handle resource management?

Use as needed, focusing on current goals
Spend freely, knowing more will come
Balance between saving and spending
Carefully plan and save for future needs

14. What's your main motivation in a game?

Gaining power and dominance
Mastering combat and becoming the best warrior
Uncovering knowledge and secrets
Protecting and supporting others