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A captivating book cover for "Sombras do Passado: A Busca Pela Verdade" featuring the three protagonists: a 20-year-old young man with striking features, an 18-year-old young woman with an inquisitive expression, and a 14-year-old girl with a thoughtful demeanor


Uncover the Truth in 'Sombras do Passado'

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"Capa para um livro chamado "Sombras do Passado: A Busca Pela Verdade", dando ênfase aos irmãos protagonistas: um menino de 20 anos, uma menina de 18 anos e uma menina de 14 anos"

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A captivating book cover for "Sombras do Passado: A Busca pela Verdade" featuring the three protagonists: a 20-year-old young man with striking features, an 18-year-old young woman with an inquisitive expression, and a 14-year-old girl with a thoughtful demeanor

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A captivating book cover for "Sombras do Passado: A Busca Pela Verdade" featuring three siblings in the foreground: Lúcio, the eldest brother, standing center with a look of determination and pain; Vanessa beside him, embodying both strength and vulnerability; and Priscila, the youngest, with a worried yet curious gaze

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A captivating book cover for "Sombras do Passado: A Busca pela Verdade" featuring three siblings in the foreground: Lúcio, the eldest brother, standing center with a look of determination and pain; Vanessa beside him, embodying both strength and vulnerability; and Priscila, the youngest, with a worried yet curious gaze

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