Safe Search

A detailed illustration depicting the concept of the 'Index Kesiapan Pelayanan Puskesmas' (Preparedness of Health Center Services)


Unlocking Health: Index Kesiapan Pelayanan Puskesmas

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A vibrant and engaging image showcasing the concept of 'Prakarya dan Kewirausahaan' (Crafts and Entrepreneurship) with students working on various creative projects, such as handmade crafts, woodworking, and small business ideas

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A book cover illustration for 'Dari Murid Belakang Jadi Guru Cemerlang'

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A modern book cover design for an IPS (Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial) title called "Kehidupan Sosial dan Kondisi Lingkungan Sekitar"

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Conducting monitoring and evaluation of the Bangga Kencana Training Program at the UPT Balai Diklat Kependudukan dan KB Bogor, showcasing a professional setting with participants actively engaged in discussions and activities

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An illustration of an elementary school in Indonesia with two scenes

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An illustration of an elementary school in Indonesia with two scenes

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An illustration of an elementary school in Indonesia where a teacher is teaching students about traditional Indonesian local wisdom

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A book cover for an IPS book titled 'Kehidupan Sosial dan Kondisi Lingkungan Sekitar'

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A detailed illustration of the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia, showcasing the official emblem and office setting

Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia


A beautifully designed book cover titled 'Membangun Literasi Keluarga: Panduan Menumbuhkan Minat Baca yang Berkelanjutan' by SUWARTONO, SEI

Membangun Literasi Keluarga: Panduan Menumbuhkan Minat Baca yang Berkelanjutan


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Fishing Guide Sharing Smiles in the Coastal Village


A visually appealing cover design for a book titled 'Kecakapan Antar Personal: Strategi Komunikasi Efektif dan Membangun Hubungan yang Produktif dan Profesional di Era Digital'

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A beautifully designed cover page for a guidebook titled 'BUKU PEDOMAN PT CAHAYA NUSANTARA HOLISTIK'

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A vibrant illustration depicting the profile of students from SMK Bina Sejahtera 2 Kota Bogor for the academic year 2024/2025, centered around the theme of 'Suara Demokrasi'

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A lively and colorful illustration of the prestigious Indonesian scouting competition (Lomba Pembina Pramuka Berprestasi) at the Kwarcab level

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A dynamic and inspiring book cover for "Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan: Penguatan Nilai-Nilai Kebangsaan"

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An image that visually represents the phrase 'Kenapa Harus BANSOS (Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH))', featuring people receiving social assistance through the PKH program with a positive and uplifting atmosphere

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An eye-catching book cover for 'Peraturan Pemerintah Indonesia No

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A book cover design for a title 'Kehidupan Sosial dan Kondisi Lingkungan Sekitar' featuring a modern social atmosphere

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An illustration depicting the behind-the-scenes role of cyber intelligence in the socio-cultural dynamics of Indonesia

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A book cover design for the 'Indonesian Banking Regulation Handbook'

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An illustration of an Indonesian Muslim elementary school student giving a speech in front of his classmates, showcasing a lively classroom atmosphere

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A modern book cover design for a book titled 'Kehidupan Sosial dan Kondisi Lingkungan Sekitar'

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Cover design for the book titled 'Leterasi Pelajar SMK Wira Utama' by JURSA, featuring an inspiring and modern aesthetic

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A visually appealing depiction of the themes surrounding 'Hukum Administrasi Negara' (State Administrative Law)

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