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Create a detailed diagram of 'EcoHarvestBin' with labelled components like a solar panel, smart sensor, recycling chamber and mobile app icon, each with their respective functions indicated.


EcoHarvestBin: Revolutionizing Waste Management



"make a diagram LABELS FOR DRAWINGSolar Panel: Harvests solar energy for powerSmart Sensor: Detects and categorizes types of wasteRecycling Chamber: Segregates recyclables and notifies collection authoritiesMobile App: Allows users to track their recycling efforts and receive real-time updates"

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Create an annotated illustration of the 'EcoHarvestBin'. Include a solar panel, smart sensor, recycling chamber, and a symbol representing its companion mobile app, all labeled with their respective functions.

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Design an innovative 'EcoHarvestBin', a smart waste management system. It should be solar-powered with visible sensors and paired with a mobile app symbol, signifying its function in promoting recycling and sustainable practices.

Innovative EcoHarvestBin: Smart Waste Management for Sustainable Living


Redesign the 'EcoHarvestBin' as a functional and intuitive trashcan. It should feature solar panels, smart sensors for waste categorization, a recycling chamber, and a mobile app interaction point, each labelled in English.

EcoHarvestBin | Sustainable Waste Management


Start the image with a rectangular-shaped object symbolising the main structure of the EcoHarvestBin, a smart waste management system.

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Blueprint for a Sustainable Future


A detailed illustration of solar energy, featuring solar panels absorbing sunlight and converting it into electricity

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A vibrant and appealing brochure highlighting the importance of proper solid waste management, with illustrations of disposal methods, recycling bins, and clean environments.

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Create a sleek, informative poster showcasing the core features of electric vehicles (EVs). Illustrate the sustainability goals, global pollution problems, and EVs as a part of the solution with highlighted pros and cons. End with futuristic visuals of EV technology advancements.

Sustainable Energy Futures: Electric Vehicles for a Greener Tomorrow


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