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A chemistry cover page featuring the following elements: at the top, the name 'Galo Páez' in bold, elegant font; below that, 'Curso 2BGU, Paralelo "C"' in a slightly smaller font; the teacher's name 'Licenciado Patricio Cisneros' prominently displayed beneath, followed by 'Año lectivo 2024-2025' in an appealing, academic style; and finally, 'Número de lista 23' at the bottom in a clear and legible format


Elegant Chemistry Cover Page for Galo Páez

steady-jaguar's avatar



"Una carátula de química que contenga los siguientes datos : Galo Páez, curso 2BGU , Paralelo "C", licenciado Patricio Cisneros, año lectivo 2024-2025, número de lista 23"

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