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xanthopsia (noun)

(1) Visual defect in which objects appear to have a yellowish hue


1. In the comic, the superhero's xanthopsia allowed him to see hidden clues that normal people couldn't perceive.

In the comic, the superhero's xanthopsia allowed him to see hidden clues that normal people couldn't perceive.
In the comic, the superhero's xanthopsia allowed him to see hidden clues that normal people couldn't perceive.

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2. The character in the anime series developed temporary xanthopsia after being exposed to a powerful energy source.

The character in the anime series developed temporary xanthopsia after being exposed to a powerful energy source.
The character in the anime series developed temporary xanthopsia after being exposed to a powerful energy source.

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3. The lovers strolled through the garden, their surroundings bathed in a romantic xanthopsia that made everything seem warm and enchanting.

The lovers strolled through the garden, their surroundings bathed in a romantic xanthopsia that made everything seem warm and enchanting.
The lovers strolled through the garden, their surroundings bathed in a romantic xanthopsia that made everything seem warm and enchanting.

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4. In the cartoon, the artist exaggerated the character's xanthopsia to emphasize their unique perspective on the world.

In the cartoon, the artist exaggerated the character's xanthopsia to emphasize their unique perspective on the world.
In the cartoon, the artist exaggerated the character's xanthopsia to emphasize their unique perspective on the world.

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