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sixteenth part (noun)

(1) One part in sixteen equal parts


1. In the comic strip, each panel represents a sixteenth part of the story.

In the comic strip, each panel represents a sixteenth part of the story.
In the comic strip, each panel represents a sixteenth part of the story.

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2. The cartoon character is only a sixteenth part of the overall animated series.

The cartoon character is only a sixteenth part of the overall animated series.
The cartoon character is only a sixteenth part of the overall animated series.

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3. The scale model shows the sixteenth part of the entire building structure.

The scale model shows the sixteenth part of the entire building structure.
The scale model shows the sixteenth part of the entire building structure.

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architecture & interior design

4. According to the myth, Zeus disguised himself as a sixteenth part of a mortal to interact with humans.

According to the myth, Zeus disguised himself as a sixteenth part of a mortal to interact with humans.
According to the myth, Zeus disguised himself as a sixteenth part of a mortal to interact with humans.

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